Friday, May 20, 2011

Here are a few pictures of Kylee's room finally : )

Ok so we are moved and getting settled I still need to take pictures of the house but I did get the kitchen and Kylee's room painted FINALLY ( it takes a lot longer to paint with a 1 year old around, I found that out real quick : )) I promise I will get pictures of the rest of the house this week, but in the meantime here is Kylee's room, we choose to do a theme of flowers and birds in memory of her Maw Maw who loves flowers and birdies so we have a branch above the crib with birds and a nest on it and still working on a vinyl saying for above it ( any suggestions on a saying, still trying to think of something unique) Kylee loves her room and loves to show it off for anyone that will come visit her : ) Grandpa and Uncle Nate got to see it this week and she was so excited to show them, she is such a silly girl! I took video but for some reason my video on my phone is sideways and blurry I will try again this week, so sorry in advance for the poor quality video ; )  Grandpa came yesterday and tilled a spot for a garden so Kylee and I will be planting tomorrow weather permitting and will try to take pictures. Daddy found a cool box turtle in our yard while he was mowing and saw him again today, maybe he is going to hang around as our pet ( we attached pictures) also while Grandpa and Uncle Nate were here we saw three deer right in our back yard, they were so pretty but we didn't get pictures, maybe next time! We went from Fort Wayne addition living to country, can you tell we are excited to be country folks again, we get excited about little things lol. Have a great weekend and will try to post the rest of the house this week 

Kylee making her first batch of homemade cookies

She was a really good helper

our cool turtle in our yard

this one is an actual branch not wall art kinda hard to tell in picture but there are birds, nests, and butterfly on it

this is what Kylee does while i work on her room, finds all her cool stuff to play with and put on : )

her night light 

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