Sunday, January 2, 2011

I know it has been awhile again but I have been dreading this post!

here are Kylee's 9 month pics to put something "happy" in this post

Well Mom's battle is over no more suffering she got to go be with the Lord on Dec. 22nd. We are lost without her and cry at least a few times each day, but she is not suffering and that is good, now we are. You don't realize how much stuff reminds you of your Mom until she is gone, everything I do and see makes me miss her and want to start crying! I miss talking to her everyday, calling her when I need cooking advise, mothering advise, or how to fix something, she really did know everything. Even driving makes me think of her because that is usually when I would call her to talk. Shopping will never be the same without her. My Mom loved everything about life so every bird I hear sing or flower I see makes me want to crawl in bed and cry. I guess all we can pray for is that the Lord returns soon so we can all be together again. Kylee loved her Maw Maw so much, in the morning after I fed her all last week she would look up at the ceiling and say bye bye maw maw and it just breaks my heart! Matt told Kylee the other day "I am so glad we have you to help us smile otherwise I don't think we would make it!" That is so true God works in mysterious ways we waited 4 years for a baby then she gets here and he takes Mom and it makes you think.. Why? But without her we would be lost she puts smiles on our face even when you are sad and she is her Grandma's mini me, a precious reminder everyday of Mom! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for our family and please continue to do so while we are dealing with our great loss, THANK YOU!!
Here is where you can go to watch Mom's picture slideshow, I hope it works if not let me know and I will try again, I tried to put it on my post but it wouldn't let me. I'm still learning all this new technology  ;) 


  1. Sorry for your loss, Michelle. I'm praying for you guys. I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm glad your beautiful little girl can bring you some joy!

  2. I just got on and had to chance to read your post .
    We love you guys and I pray often for you.
    Your Mom was a precious Aunt and Friend to me. But I'm so thankful she is with the Lord!
    Thanks for blogging even when it's hard!
